Paper selected as Soft Matter Editorial Board Highlight of 2022!
Our 2022 Soft Matter paper on using high-throughput microscopy to study phase separating coacervates has been selected by the Editorial Board as a 2022 highlight! Congratulations, team!

Our paper, titled "High-throughput microscopy to determine morphology, microrheology, and phase boundaries applied to phase separating coacervates", which was published in Soft Matter in 2022 has now been selected as one of the highlight papers of the year! This collaborative work was co-authored by Yimin Luo, former Valentine Lab postdoc who is now an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Yale University, graduate student Chelsea Edwards, Prof. Mengyang Gu, Prof. Matt Helgeson and Prof. Valentine.
The journal describes the highlight collection this way: This online collection features some of the most exciting articles published in Soft Matter during 2022. Al Crosby (Editor in Chief) reflects: “2022 was an exciting year for Soft Matter! So many great papers advancing the field and demonstrating its extensive, positive impact. To try to capture this exciting year in Soft Matter, the Editorial Board has selected these Soft Matter papers as a highlight collection. We hope you enjoy! We look forward to working with you in 2023!”
This work was primarily supported by the US National Science Foundation, and particularly by the BioPACIFIC MIP and UC Santa Barbara MRSEC through IRG3. Congratulations, team!