Valentine Lab presents at the American Physical Society's Annual Meeting

Lab members present at the annual American Physical Society March Meeting in Las Vegas, NV

March 6, 2023
Younghoon Kwon presents his award talk
Younghoon Kwon presents his award talk

Younghoon Kwon, Yongkui Tang, Chris Barney and Prof. Valentine attend the APS March Meeting in Las Vegas to present on the lab's work on soft and biomaterial mechanics.  Younghoon was selected as a finalist for the Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award Finalist.  Congratulations all!

Prof. Daniel Ou-Yang, our collaborator from Lehigh presents in the Emerging Trends in Soft Microscale Mechanics session
Prof. Daniel Ou-Yang, our collaborator from Lehigh presents in the Emerging Trends in Soft Microscale Mechanics session


In addition to research presentations, the lab had the opportunity to meet with collaborators, learn about cutting edge discoveries in diverse areas of physics, and expand our professional network.  Prof. Valentine also organized and chaired a session on Emerging Trends in Soft Microscale Mechanics.

Congratulations, Younghoon!
Congratulations, Younghoon!


The Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award Finalists were also recognized at the Business Meeting of the Division of Soft Matter Physics.

Members of our NSF DMREF Team met for a strategy meeting and to discuss latest results on the development of Living Biotic-Abiotic Materials
Members of our NSF DMREF Team met for a strategy meeting and to discuss latest results on the development of Living Biotic-Abiotic Materials