Valentine Lab presents at the American Physical Society's Annual Meeting
Qiaopeng Chen presents at the annual American Physical Society March Meeting in Minneapolis, MN

Qiaopeng presented his work on the development of hydrogel-based platforms and high-throughput screening methods to investigate the mechanics and dynamics of active biological networks. Congratulations, Qiaopeng, on your talk and poster!

This work is part of our collaborative project on the design and optimization of living biotic-abiotic materials with temporally programmable actuation, supported by the National Science Foundation, through the Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) Program. Congratulations, team!

Qiaopeng Chen and collaborator Jonathan Michel, from Rochester Institute of Technology, presented a poster on high throughput screening approaches to analyzing videos of active matter systems. Here, they are discussing with Daniel Ou-Yang, Lehigh University.