Welcome new Graduate Student Ayan Das!
Welcome new Postdoctoral Scholar Hao Dong!
DMREF team for Living Biotic-Abiotic Materials with Temporally Programmable Actuation met to develop high throughput analysis approaches for material characterization
Karyme Castaneda from UT El Paso joins the Valentine as a FLAM summer intern. Welcome!
Congratulations to Dr. Kwon on his PhD hooding at the UC Santa Barbara Graduate Division Commencement Ceremony
Great visit with collaborators at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA
Valentine Lab presents at the Spring BASF-CARA meeting at UC Berkeley
Kenneth Cerdan Gomez presents at the American Chemical Society's Spring Meeting in New Orleans, LA
Kenneth shared his recent successes in designing and optimizing hydrogel materials with superior mechanical properties.
Qiaopeng Chen presents at the annual American Physical Society March Meeting in Minneapolis, MN