Our 2022 Soft Matter paper on using high-throughput microscopy to study phase separating coacervates has been selected by the Editorial Board as a 2022 highlight! Congratulations, team!
Congratulations to Younghoon Kwon, a finalist for the inaugural Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award, which was presented by the Division of Soft Matter Physics at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Las Vegas
The Valentine Lab was excited to host Prof. Keng-hui Lin from the Institute of Physics within the Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan for a visit to UC Santa Barbara. Keng-hui's research spans a number of biological and soft material systems, and she is developing cutting-edge methods and materials for biomaterials science research.
Prof. Valentine chairs the planning committee for the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Workshop on Biohybrid Materials and Technologies for Today and Tomorrow, held January 12-13, 2023.